Monday, October 28, 2013

Tech Trends

For this emerging trend I have chosen to discuss cloud computing. My school district, Clarksville-Montgomery Country School Systems (CMCSS) in Tennessee, was selected as the pilot program for Microsoft’s Office 365 for Education. Outlook had already been incorporated into the district for some time and our technology department jumped on board when the opportunity for working with a Microsoft cloud-based system was offered. We received the updates in June, so everything is still relatively new. Teacher training has been offered but since we are now in the middle of a school year, I doubt most teachers will be fully trained up. As an EdTech student I will be investigating the use of Microsoft 365 in the district for the long term and assessing how it is being used by teachers in (and out) of the classroom. I think this is a great opportunity to utilize the tools in 365 for my classroom, and to gain greater insight on the benefits of educational technology on a district scale. Knowing my district is the first to incorporate 365 makes me really want to use it, make it succeed, and get our district administrators to further invest in educational technology to the point where we have a 1:1 ratio of computers to students in the classroom in order for our students to fully benefit from this implementation. I believe that the use of 365 will be extremely beneficial to our teachers and students as soon as all teachers are fully trained on how to utilize its tools and all students are able to utilize a computer in every class.

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