Sunday, October 6, 2013

RSS in Education

     This week I researched and completed the assignment for RSS in Education. I chose to create a tutorial that gave a brief overview of RSS and how to utilize the Feedly newsreader. When I started I was not familiar with Feedly or any newsreader for that matter. I had run into the RSS logo on numerous occasions but never really gave it a second thought. After researching newsreaders and experimenting with Feedly, I have now become a believer in RSS and the value it holds for educators. I have since created a blog on my AP European History website and will teach my students the value of Feedly, if they have not been using it already. I can't wait for more articles from the Technology for Teachers feed so I can incorporate new ideas in my history classes. It has been a pleasant surprise to learn about this aspect of Education Technology.

     Below you will find my RSS in Education video tutorial. I really learned some new skills in working with Screenr, Windows Live Moviemaker, and Youtube to create my video presentation. I was very impressed with the captioning feature on Youtube. Feedback is always welcome.

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